Uninstall McAfee Internet Security Suite – Steps:
Learn how to uninstall McAfee Internet Security Suite: Follow the steps below to uninstall McAfee Internet Security Suite - Special edition from AOL using the McAfee Consumer Product Removal (MCPR) tool or manually uninstall McAfee on Windows Vista or Windows XP/2000. You will need to know the version of Microsoft Windows operating system installed on your computer. If you do not know how to find this information, follow the instructions given in the online help article determining your version of Microsoft Windows. Use the McAfee Consumer Product Removal (MCPR) tool to uninstall McAfee To download and use the MCPR tool: 1. Go to http://download.mcafee.com/products/licensed/cust_support_patches/MCPR.exe and download the MCPR.exe file. 2. Click Save . 3. Save the MCPR.exe file at a desired location (for example, on the Desktop), and then click Save. 4. In the Download complete window, click Close. 5. Naviga...